Main points

You have to believe you can learn English in order to be successful. That’s the first step.

1. Make the decision to change

If you are serious about learning English, then you have to make the decision to change a few things in your daily routine to include daily English practice.

2. Change your approach to learning English

Change your approach to learning English, if what you have done in the past hasn’t worked very well.

3. if your own mind is saying that you can’t...

You use your mind to learn a language, and if your own mind is saying that you can’t, then you probably won’t be able to.

4. You have to believe

You have to believe, and the first step is watching what you’re saying to yourself about your learning abilities; stop thinking negative thoughts about your English abilities.

5. Be very careful with your thoughts...

Be very careful with your thoughts related to your English-learning abilities. Watch your selftalk.

6. Write a short, honest, affirmation and repeat it over and over in your mind, and aloud.

Eventually your mind will accept the ideas and it will make the learning process a lot easier.

Forget about the past. You can start over and be very successful, but you need to change your perspective and your attitude about learning English.

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