Main points

The Contact-Time Factor. It’s a simple concept: if you want to improve your English, you have to increase the amount of contact that you have with the language.


1. The total contact time of a perfectly attended 120 hour English course is about one week.
2. Imagine that someone does 120 hour courses every year for 10 years...

That’s still only about 10 weeks of contact time.

3. On average, you only get 15 minutes of practice for each hour of class in a traditional academy.

That’s not just theoretical. This is how polyglots learn a new language every two years. They do something with the language every day.

We can look at that statistic from the opposite perspective:

If you do 15 minutes of self-study...

… that is the equivalent of one hour of class in an academy; and it’s free.

If you do 30 minutes of English practice per day:

300 days out of 365 days of the year, you will do 150 hours of practice during the year.

150 hours of practice...

… is the equivalent of the practice that 600 hours of class in a traditional academy gives you.

So, in only one year...

you would get the same amount of practice that you get from 600 hours of class in an academy; that is, 5 years of 120 hour English courses.

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